Fencing New Zealand appreciates the support of the International Olympic Committee Olympic Solidarity, with support of the New Zealand Olympic Committee, the International Fencing Federation, and the Oceania Fencing Confederation.



In conjunction with the Fencing NZ Coaching Commission, Fencing New Zealand is pleased to advise that we have committed to running a Foil Coach Technical Course with the expert Mtr Zoltán Bernát, Master Foil Coach at the FIE Fencing Coach School, Budapest.

The course is an intensive 9-day Foil Coach training event, from 12-20 December, combining high-level technical skills, tactical, theoretical work and pedagogical principles as well as exposure to current international practices and attitudes in a training context.

For this project FeNZ has the support and endorsement of the Oceania Fencing Confederation (OFC), the OFC Coaching Commission, and the Oceania Fencing Masters Academy (OFMA,) as important components of Coach development in the Oceania Zone.

This Course will provide:

  • Professional Development for Level 2 and 3 Foil Coaches.
  • Development for Level 1 (or equivalent) Foil Coaches moving towards or already working at Level 2
  • Assessment opportunities at Level 2 and 3 Foil

Please contact Martin Brill directly (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with any queries on the course scope and content.

The course will be hosted at The Fencing Institute in Christchurch. TFI are negotiating for a discounted rate for accommodation at a motel within walking distance of the venue and anticipate a maximum rate of $98 per night.

The cost of the course is $150 per person. 

Fencing NZ will:

  • provide travel support for NZ Coaches outside of Fencing Mid-South $250 per participant
  • pay for lunch at the venue each day (to be arranged by TFI)
  • an awards dinner at the end of the course

Participants will need to provide their own breakfasts and evening meals. 

Total cost for the course is estimated between $1,000 and $1,100 per coach including travel and accommodation. We anticipate coaches will need support from the Regions. 

Nomination and Selection of Coaches:

As well as providing this opportunity for New Zealand Foil coaches, as part of the brief of inclusivity implicit in Olympic Solidarity, FENZ will extend an invitation to participate to coaches in the wider Oceania Zone community.

The course will provide training for up to 24 NZ based coaches, with 6 invited from Australia, and a further 6 from countries in the Oceanic Zone.

The intention is to ensure equity by selecting as evenly as possible from the regions within NZ, with the assumption that there will be 6 Foil Coaches involved from each FeNZ region. 

The FENZ Coaching Commission and the OFC Coaching Commission are committed to promoting women as coaches in our sport and this will also be a key factor in terms of determining equity.

The Timeline for the Nomination and Selections will be Nominations Close 23:59 Sunday, 14 August 2022 with Selections announced Saturday 20 August 2022.

To complete your On-line expression of interest (Nomination Form) please click HERE

Link Address:


Martin Brill

Coach Commission Chair: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Coach Commissioners:

David (Dave) Barson

Judit Fliszar

Robert Gastaldo-Brac

OS FENZ Foil Course 2022 Image 002

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