Fencing NZ is establishing a Welfare Panel to support our complaints and concerns process. We are seeking expressions of interest from parents and members across New Zealand who are willing to be appointed into various volunteer roles on an ad-hoc basis.
About the Roles
The Welfare Panel, once established, will be made up of members appointed to serve in roles like:
- Safeguarding Officers
- Triage Committee Members
- Disciplinary Committee Members
- Administrative Support
- Investigators
- Mediators
These roles, outlined in our updated complaints process, perform essential functions like receiving complaints, assessing risks, facilitating resolutions, determining breaches, assigning penalties and more. Further information about these roles can be found here.
Ideal Candidates
We welcome interest from a diverse range of members nationwide including athletes, coaches, officials, administrators or parents. Relevant experience, strong communication abilities and utmost integrity are valued. Some training will be provided.
Importance of the Welfare Panel
Maintaining standards of safety, fairness and ethical behavior is crucial for the ongoing growth of fencing in New Zealand. The Welfare Panel will help embed a responsive, transparent complaints process that gives members confidence any issues can be promptly addressed.
With enough skilled volunteers contributing from time to time, we hope to spread the workload so involvement is infrequent. But the collective impact in safeguarding fencing’s future will be immense.
Registering Interest
If you feel you could contribute by serving on the Welfare Panel, we would love to hear from you. Please complete the registration of interest form https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/286080 - by 15th March 2024
For further information contact Stephen Peterson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or visit the Welfare page on the Fencing NZ website.
Disputes, Complaints and Dispute Resolution Policy - outcome of feedback
Thank you for your feedback. Here’s a summary of what we heard
- Several submissions emphasized the need to view the complaints policy as part of wider organisational development for Fencing NZ. It should align with other policies and the organisation's objectives.
- There were calls to simplify the proposed system to reduce administrative burden, particularly since Fencing NZ relies heavily on volunteers. Options proposed included amalgamating committees and appointing a national complaints manager role.
- Multiple submissions highlighted the need for clear definitions of key terms, principles to guide the system, promotion of the policy, and training on roles.
- Some noted the importance of evaluation after implementation, with the ability to make improvements.
Scope and Coverage
- Clarify coverage of complaints about refereeing decisions and tournament organization.
- Consider Fencing NZ's commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Māori perspectives.
- Extend scope to encourage local resolution at club level first before escalating complaints.
- Concerns about finding enough qualified people to fill various roles. Suggest simplifying requirements.
- Questions around accountability and role clarity for Safeguarding Representatives.
- Exclude Board members from appointment to complaints committees to avoid conflicts of interest.
Disciplinary Process
- Rename to "Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Process" since not all complaints relate to discipline.
- Concerns about enforceability and impacts of cost recovery penalties. Suggest dropping or restricting these.
- Consider penalties for vexatious complaints.
- Allow verbal complaints initially.
- Complaint form needs refining.
Progress to date
-Nov 23 Consultation opened
-Jan 24 Submission closed
-Feb 24 Initial feedback presented to FeNZ Board and appointment of interim panel to support Triage Committee work.
Next steps
-Detailed review of submissions to identify issues the Board needs to approve
-Incorporation of feedback into draft documents
-Seek expressions of interest for people to join a Welfare Panel to support implementing and running the new policy
-Appointing people to a Welfare Panel
Documents can be found under Resources > Policies > Disputes .... or link here
Complaint form can be found here