The Fencing NZ Board has confirmed its approach to New Zealand participation in the Commonwealth Fencing Championships 2022 being held in London, 9-20 August 2022.

The Board wants to enable participation by a New Zealand team, with the proviso that we can meet our duty of care to the team given the challenges created by the Covid pandemic.


While we are progressing arrangements to send a managed team, our commitment will be contingent on a final risk assessment and decision the Board will make at the beginning of May.


The Board has confirmed the Selection Policy that will apply for Commonwealths. It is available on the Fencing NZ website here . A national training camp and three national competitions have been  scheduled to support the selection process.  The last of these events will be held over Easter 2022 and will be a designated trial. The winners of designated trial events will be offered selection to the New Zealand team provided there are enough suitable fencers in their event and the terms and conditions outlined in the Selection Policy have been met.

Fencers seeking selection for Commonwealths are expected to attend the January Training Camp and Easter trial in Auckland (fencers who are resident overseas and for whom attendance is not feasible may request an exemption). Selected fencers will be expected to attend a further training camp in July.

Remember, selections will be made from fencers on the ‘long-list.’  Longlist nominations close on 20 October.

Fencing NZ 2022 Calendar:

The 2022 national competition and training camp calendar is available on the Fencing NZ website . We anticipate the event timetables for national competitions will be available on the Fencing NZ website by mid-November.

Key Milestones:

The following table highlights key milestones on the pathway to Commonwealths. Please refer to the Fencing NZ Calendar and Events pages on the website for the latest competition date/time changes.


Key Milestones

20 Oct

Longlist applications close

1 Dec

Closing date for receipt of athlete Training Plans by selectors

Early Dec

Call for applications for NZ team management & coaching positions

20-23 Jan

National Training Camp - Auckland

30 Jan

Applications close NZ team management and coaching positions

5-7 Feb

National competition (open individual events, 200 ranking points available) - Wellington

Early Mar

Call for athlete nominations issued to longlist athletes

6 Mar

Board ratifies provisional appointments for team management & coaching roles


NZ Team management & coach candidates informed of provisional appointments

9-20 Mar

South Island Champs (open individual events – 220 ranking points available) - Christchurch

31 Mar

Last day for nominations from Longlist Athletes

15-18 Apr

Easter Trial – U17/20/Open (designated trial and final selection events for Commonwealth Champs,  200 ranking points available) - Auckland

1 May

Board decision on NZ managed team participation in Commonwealths

6 May

Athletes advised of selection decisions and NZ managed team tour status

7 May

Athletes receive selection information pack including online access to participation agreement, information request and tracksuit order

18 May

Athletes’ confirm acceptance of selection, complete participation agreement, information form (incl. team accommodation requirements, FIE license request &  tracksuit order) & pay levy & fees


Team management & coaching appointments confirmed

Early June

NZ individual and team entries lodged by Secretary General

4-5 June

Presidents Cup (Dunedin)

9 June

Individual & Team entries for Commonwealths close


London team accommodation bookings finalised with providers

24-26 Jun

North Island Champs (Wellington)

9-10 July

National Training Camp (Location to be confirmed)


Team uniforms distributed by supplier

20 July

Final tour information pack provided to Team members

8-20 Aug

Commonwealth Fencing Championships (London)


Post-tour evaluation survey completed by tour party

Mid Nov

Communications Update – Tour report released

Further Information & Queries

We will be posting further information and updates in the coming months on the Fencing NZ website and also emailing longlist athletes directly.

Further information on the Commonwealth Fencing Championships is available here:

Fencing New Zealand’s implementation plan providing further information on our approach to participation is available on the Fencing NZ website here:

If you have any queries about the selection policy and process please contact your coach in the first instance and then if necessary email:

For general queries get in touch with your regional President, email Amanda Hopkins at or Grant Tweddle, tour project manager, at

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