Covid-19 Update 12th March 2020 – Oceania Under 20’s and Handshaking Rule Temporarily Suspended
The Fencing New Zealand Board continues to monitor the global and local Covid-19 situation and has formed a sub-committee to specifically focus on the issue.
We will be following the advice and guidance of the Ministry of Health (MoH) and we advise all our members to do the same. This advice will potentially change daily, so we recommend the website as an important source of information:
We are currently finalising guidance on attendance at fencing clubs and training sessions and advice on domestic and international travel. These will be published shortly.
We have received information that most of the upcoming FIE international events will be postponed, including the World Cadet and Juniors due to be held in Salt Lake City in April.
We also today received indications from several Oceania member countries they will be restricting international travel until further notice.
As a result, we have proposed to the Oceania Board, the postponement of the Oceania Under 20 championships, which includes the New Zealand Under 20’s, due to be held in late May in Auckland.
At this point there is no plan to postpone any of the other planned domestic competitions although this is subject to change.
On Sunday the Board moved with immediate effect to suspend the requirement to shake hands after a bout. The revised rule t.122 is shown below -
Rule t.122 UPDATE
t.122 Before the beginning of each bout, the two fencers must perform a fencer’s salute to their opponent, to the Referee and to the spectators. Equally, when the final hit has been scored, the bout has not ended until the two fencers have saluted each other, the Referee and the spectators: to this end, they must remain still while the referee is making his decision; when he has given his decision, they must return to their on-guard line and perform a fencer’s salute. If either or both of the two fencers refuse to comply with these rules, the Referee will penalise him/them as specified for offences of the 4th group (cf. t.158-162, t.169, t.170).
Please watch out for more updates on the Fencing New Zealand website and Facebook page.
Mark Rance
President Fencing New Zealand