One of the complex issues in our Covid hit NZ Fencing world is how to handle national ranking points in a way that is fair to everyone. This is of particular importance to future NZ team selection.

It is of course a global problem. The FIE for example have frozen all Olympic ranking points from 8th March this year until the 12th of March 2021. 

Here in New Zealand, many regions have been unable to run any regional events at all since the beginning of Covid.

That’s obviously unfair to a lot of competitors who, through no fault of their own, were unable to earn any ranking points events locally, and were also unable to travel to other regional events, either due to lockdown, or just the heightened risks associated with travel. 

Following extensive deliberation, the Board has therefore decided to freeze all ranking points from Friday 21st February, prior to the first Regional tournament of the year.

A committee has been formed to determine how major events across the country will be run in the 2021 Calendar year, and how points will be awarded going forward. We will update you on their progress as soon as possible.

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