Welfare Panel

Report a concern


Fencing New Zealand’s Welfare Panel                                                       

 The confirmed membership of the FeNZ Welfare Panel is as follows:

  • Judit Fliszar
  • Helen Wang
  • Pierre Bechet
  • Michael Claydon
  • Fiona Campbell

Triage Sub-Committee Chairperson

The Chairperson of the Triage Sub-Committee is currently vacant and will be advertised shortly. This page will be updated when the role is advertised.

This position is to support the receiving of the complaint from the complaint receipt officer, assembling the triage subcommittee members (with support from FeNZ administrator), chair triage subcommittee meetings and finalise recommendations to be sent to the FeNZ board for consideration.

Complaints Receipt Officer

Elizabeth Stewart (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) has been appointed as the Complaints Receipt Officer.

This position is to receive complaints and respond to the complainants, liaise with the chairman of the Triage Sub-Committee and manage communication to/from the complainant throughout the complaint process.

Rachel Wyatt (FeNZ National Administrator) will provide administrative support to the Welfare Panel.